What is BlackMP Living Water?

In 2 minutes learn about the importance of Probiotics and why your body desperately needs Fulvic and Humic Minerals.



What’s in BlackMP?

The Creator designed our food with an abundance of minerals that sustains our health.  Due to overfarming and soil depletion, we can no longer get the full complex of naturally occurring, organic minerals that are essential to our health from food alone. How do you get these essential minerals? Through BlackMp. BlackMP isn’t like mineral waters that contain ground up rocks from one or two minerals.  BlackMP contains 77 Essential Minerals and a variety of probiotics, that when taken together, create a LIVING WATER that pack a powerful punch against the root cause of all disease:

BlackMP’s minerals come from the natural process of humification

This process has taken place over millions of years. It’s a result of fruit trees and vegetation decaying and pressurizing to form complex substances rich in essential minerals, amino acids, electrolytes  and other beneficial compounds yet to be discovered. Black MP contains the results of this process humification. The organic Fulvic and Humic Minerals in BlackMP contain more than 77 trace minerals and elements that are absolutely critical to our health and well being. Studies have shown that these minerals protect cells from disease by activating biochemical switches in the body that unlock keys to your health and keep your body and your brain functioning at a high level. It’s no surprise that once these minerals became depleted from our soils on a wide scale that so many of the health problems our country faces started to skyrocket.